Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Holiday Sales March on – More $1.99 DC Titles

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, DC has a new set of $1.99/$2.99 titles, include more recent selections and a heads up on the latest Marvel sale incidents.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

First a little housekeeping. We’re not sure what’s going on with the Marvel sales this week, so we’re going to look at DC right now, since they have another holiday-priced ($1.99/$2.99) sale, and then circle back around to Marvel at the end of the week at the usual time.

Marvel’s sales from two weeks ago are still up – we’re not sure if they’re supposed to be – and we have some Nega-Band action! (This is when two sales occupy the same URL. Reload ~5 times and watch the sales switch places, just like Mar-Vell and Rick Jones did with their Nega-Bands.)

The Heroes Reborn Sale and Marvel 20th Century Sale occupy the same URL. And that’s supposed to be 20th Century Fox – Planet of the Apes / Aliens / Predator. We also don’t think this Planet of the Apes Omnibus is supposed to be $6.99, so if it’s appealing, you might want to grab it before it gets corrected.

The Marvel Omnibus sale page is still up, but except for the Aliens collections, the prices are no longer $19.99, so heads up on that. The Secret Wars prices seem to be intact.

And, 6 hours later, there have been some adjustments. But we’re still not sure that PoA price will stand.

It’s always something, isn’t it?

Freshly Discounted

The DC Recent Hits Sale runs through Monday, 12/11.

This is a fairly odd sale. It appears to be collected editions released from the first week of September and then back as far as April ’21.  That said, there a lot of the $1.99/$2.99 price points of the last few weeks (it must be the holiday season) and this will be the first time a decent chunk of these have been on sale, so let’s hit the highlights (roughly speaking, from newest to oldest):

Nightwing  DCeased: War of the Undead Gods  Gotham City: Year One

  • Gotham City: Year One by Tom King and Phil Hester. This one needs some contextual framing. First off, we’re under the impression this isn’t a Black Label title, so it could be in continuity. It sure reads like a Black Label. From a Batman perspective, it’s an attempt to explain how Gotham City got to its current state. From a reader perspective, this isn’t a Batman comic. It’s hardboiled/noir detective story somewhere in between the Hammett and Spillane schools, featuring Slam Bradley (who is, broadly speaking, more in the Mike Hammer role than Sam Spade or Philip Marlowe). There’s been a kidnapping. The Wayne family is involved. Bradley doesn’t realize he’s up to his chin in sewage until he’s trapped. It’s a good detective (graphic) novel that might actually be better if it wasn’t tied into the Bat-mythos. Don’t get it for a child thinking it’s just a Batman comic, though. This one goes to dark places.
  • DCeased: War of the Undead Gods by Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine – the final chapter in the DCeased series of mini-series. We know a lot of you have been waiting on this to get a discount.
  • Batman V.2: The Bat-Man of Gotham – Chip Zdarksky / Mike Hawthorne. 2nd Zdarksky collection. If you go to the end of the series page, you’ll also see V.1 of Zdarky run, the Josh Williamson collection and the final Tynion Fear State on sale for $1.99/$2.99.
  • Batman: The Knight – Speaking of Zdarksy, this is his take on Bruce Wayne’s training years with art by Carmine Di Giandomenico.
  • The Human Target – Tom King / Greg Smallwood. Still on sale. Still great, especially at $1.99 a volume.
  • Nightwing Vol. 3: The Battle for Bloodhaven’s Heart – Tom Taylor / Bruno Redondo. This was not on sale last week and will put you back $2.99. First two volumes are $1.99@ and still on sale. And this volume is very nearly a Titan’s tale.
  • Batman: One Bad Day – The whole line is $1.99/volume.
  • Wonder Woman Historia – The Amazons Kelly Sue DeConnick / Phil Jimenz / Gene Ha / Nicola Scott. Want to see some absolutely jaw dropping art? This one.
  • Black Adam: Theology – Priest / Rafa Sandoval / Eddy Barrows.  Black Adam catches a plague and thinks about his line of succession. Priest exploring a really odd angle? Go figure. Interesting read with a caveat: we’re not sure if V.2 is going to be collected or not in digital, so you might need single issues to finish the series. (Print orders apparently didn’t meet DC’s expectations?)
  • Batman/Superman: World’s Finest – Mark Waid / Dan Mora. If you’re looking for the classic/traditional DC feel, this is your book. Bats and Supes encounter a demon and the Doom Patrol is along for the ride. Lots of fun and Mora has made the transition to superheroes VERY well.
  • Batman: Killing Time – Tom King/David Marquez. We’ve mentioned it before but a solid noir/caper tale.
  • Suicide Squad V.1: Trial by Fire – John Ostrander / Luke McDonnell. You remember on Friday, we said that V. 1 of the original series would be on sale soon enough. Well, it’s on sale. As we’re typing this, it looks like the entire series is now on sale, but we’re not sure how much longer V.2-8 will be $1.99, so heads up.
  • The Flash: The Death of Iris West – Cary Bates / Alex Savuik / Don Heck. A collection that digitally suffers from HC pricing is now $4.99 in digital, so if you’re curious now is the time. This is a real oddity. First off, she’s going by Iris Allen at this point in the continuity, not Iris West. This is the famed storyline where Professor Zoom murders her and Barry loses it. It’s a particular oddity because this is a fairly early attempt to write a DC comic in more of a Marvel style with more subplots lurking in the background before coming to the surface. And not all of it works. Some folks swear by this arc, though.

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Still on Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: Guardians of the Galaxy; Green Arrow; Injustice: Gods Among Us; Creepy and Eerie

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, The Guardian of the Galaxy get discounts at Marvel. DC cuts prices on Green Arrow and video game titles (like Injustice), while Dark Horse slashes Creepy and Eerie.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn a commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Note: we covered the Marvel May the Fourth Star Wars Sale on May 4th, so click there for Darth Vader & Co.

Groot is the Word

The Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Legacy Sale runs through Monday, 5/15.

You’d think there was movie coming out or something?

Original Guardians of the Galaxy

New GoG (The DnA cast or movie version if you must)

What’s good here?  Well, we’ve always liked the original. Particularly the Steve Gerber bits. We also loved the recent Al Ewing / Juan Cabal run. And if you like the current incarnation, you should probably go back to the source with the DnA run.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers   Guardians of the Galaxy by Al Ewing   Guardians of the Galaxy Omnibus

The Bow’s Green, Too

The DC Green Arrow Sale runs through Monday, 5/8.

They have a couple anthologies of Green Arrow over the years (the 80 years version is cheaper), but the bulk of this sale are the solo titles from Longbow Hunters onward.

What’s good? While you’ll certainly have your Lemire/Sorrentino proponents, we prefer the earlier solo material. Mike Grell had an impressive run between The Longbow Hunters and the ongoing series. The ongoing was a bit less violent than Longbow Hunters and widely known for being both an enjoyable and quick read. We’d also give a look to the Kevin Smith / Phil Hester run, which was a fun time.

Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters   Green Arrow    Green Arrow by Kevin Smith

Shall We Play a Game?

The DC Video Game Tie-In Sale runs through Monday, 5/8

And if we are honest, there is a star in this sale. Injustice: Gods Among Usa video game adaptation that had more legs than anyone ever would have guessed. It’s good! It’s written by Tom Taylor and, later, Brian Buccellato. Art is by Bruno Redondo and Mike S. Miller.  Hmmm… Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo. Wherever have we heard that pairing before?

Other things in a little more palatable browsing order:

Injustice: Gods Among Us

Mysterious and Spooky

The Dark Horse – 2023 Creepy Eerie Digital Sale runs through Monday, 5/15.

These would be the classic Warren horror magazines that had some pretty big names attached to them over the years.

Creepy was the first one and is available in both omnibus  format and “Creepy Presents” volumes spotlighting individual artists (Alex Toth, Bernie Wrightson, Richard Corben, Steve Ditko).

Eerie was the companion series. By halfway through it’s run, it had evolved into something a little different with multi-part stories and characters who returned, the breakout character being The Rook (a time traveler with some western elements baked in). It’s also available in omnibus format and “Eerie Presents” for collecting individual features (El Cid and Hunter).

Creepy   Eerie

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Still On Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: DC Breaks Out $1.99 Collected Editions / $0.99 Single Issues

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, DC opens up with some grown up discounts: $1.99 collected edition and $0.99 single issues rule the day.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

DC’s Stealth Holiday Sale

The DC Recent Hits Sale runs through Monday, 12/12.

$1.99 recent collected editions? Yes, this got our attention and we’re popping in mid-week to point this out to you. We applaud DC for bringing the cheap this week.

First, let’s just run through a list of some of the $1.99 collections that made us raise an eyebrow. This is NOT a complete list of the selections and not all of the material is that recent… just most of it.

There’s a lot of quality there. Quality on the cheap! Much of this we’ve spoken of before.  We especially like those Hellblazer books (both versions listed) and The Human Target. This run of The Human Target is an out of continuity Black Label book where Chance is investigating his own poisoning and the suspects are the Bwa Ha Ha era Justice League International. It manages to be hardboiled AND Bwa Ha Ha on alternating pages, which is not easy to pull off!

And if you’ve never encountered Kirby’s  OMAC, it’s something of a science fiction social satire. One of the more unusual things Kirby did.

John Constantine, Hellblazer   OMAC   The Human Target

At slightly higher price points, our eyebrow went up for:

That’s a nice set of books. The one we haven’t really mentioned before, largely because the price point is usually on the high side, is Hard Time. One of Gerber’s lessor known and later works, this is an odd one even by Gerber’s standards. A prank goes wrong. Some students die and a teenager is quickly made an example of and sentenced to 50 years hard time. Except the teen has super powers… or perhaps some sort of super entity living in him. Prison drama. Teen hero. Incarceration politics. Yes, it goes to some dark places.

Hard Time   Far Sector   Wonder Woman by George Perez

And then there were the $0.99 single issues.  Like… a lot of them. And a few larger format comics reduced to $1.99.  Note: these are recent issues, so you may need to scroll down a bit to get to where the discounts start.  Here are some highlights, since these are all the way at the bottom of the sale:

This is definitely a sale that’s worth taking some time to scroll through, as annoying at the current Amazon UIX may be. Plenty more on sale than we highlighted and these are the best prices we’ve seen from DC in some time. (And we’re curious if they can actually top this in a couple weeks.)

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Still On Sale

Comixology (at Amazon) Sales: DC’s Black Friday Sale = Lots of Batman and Recent $0.99 Single Issues

In this week’s Comixology (at Amazon) sales, it’sDC’s Black Friday Sale! Better than normal discounts on collected editions – yes, lots of Batman – plus a lot of recent $0.99 single issues.

Where did the New Releases and Sale pages go?

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commission.)

In case you’re having troubles with the new UIX (a LOT of people have been):

Surprise! DC’s Black Friday Sale dropped while we were writing up Marvel’s (annual Black Friday) Epic Collection Sale – which you should absolutely have a look at – and we’ve been getting prodded to annotate DC’s, too.  So… DC today and then we’ll get back with the rest of the Black Friday sales on Black Friday… since sales are definitely starting to drop.

I See a Sale and I Want It Painted Black…

The DC Black Friday Sale runs through Monday, 11/28.

This sale is a mix of some more recent material and some classic material… and some of the prices are good. But let’s hit some highlights and then try to run down the single issue options, since those are buried at the bottom of the sale and most people don’t have kind of patience it takes to click that far down.

’80s Batman

Gosh, you think a DC Sale will have a lot of Batman?  Duh.

For 80s Batman, a primo deal is V. 1-6 of Batman: The Dark Detective (click and scroll down a little, you’ll see them). That’s the 80s Detective Comics run starting with Mike W. Barr / Alan Davis and continuing through the Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle run. V. 3 includes the sequence by Batman screenwriter Sam Hamm and Denys Cowan. A really nice run for $3.99/$4.99 a pop.

Speaking of Sam Hamm, his Batman ’89 is the Two-Face story he would have done for the Tim Burton/Michael Keaton era Batman films, had the franchise not moved over to Joel Schumacher. Joe Quinones does the art. It’s on our “to read list,” but we haven’t gotten there yet, HOWEVER we would like to point out this was an August release and that awfully fast for DC to put the discounts on it. ($3.99)

For whatever reason, we don’t usually see the first volume of Batman and the Outsiders on sale. More often, it’s just V. 2 & 3 – which aren’t on sale this time, so go figure. This is #1-13 of the Mike W. Barr / Jim Aparo series, so if you’ve been curious, this is not a bad time to stick a toe in.

Batman: The Dark Knight Detective   Batman '89   Batman and the Outsiders

Current Batman

We think this is the first time the Josh Williamson run of Batman has been on sale (again, an August release for $3.99). You’ll also find the James Tynion 4.0 run at this link for $2.99/$3.99 if you scroll down a bit.

We’ve always loved the continuation of the animated series, but we love Batman: The Adventures Continue V.2 (Alan Burnett/Paul Dini/Rich Burchett/Ty Templeton) even more for $2.99! The Court of Owls enters the animated universe!

Is that a new volume of the Tom Taylor / Bruno Redondo Nightwing? Why yes, we think this is the first time V. 2 has been on sale and we know it’s a popular series with .cheap readers.

Batman: Abyss   Batman: The Adventures Continue   Nightwing

Recently On Sale

Not new, but not really that old, either. At least we’ve seen them on sale before.

Far Sector by N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell was a jaw-dropping debut for Jemisin (who’s won just about every major Science Fiction/Fantasy prose award that comes to mind). A new Green Lantern with an experimental ring is off in a far corner of the galaxy and finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation on a world where murder hasn’t happened in centuries. Superior world building! 12 issues worth for $3.99

Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen: Who Killed Jimmy Olsen? by Matt Fraction and Steve Lieber is an utter delight. One of the funniest comics DC has ever produced. Again, $3.99 for a 12-issue series is as good as it gets with DC.

The Nice House On the Lake by James Tynion IV and Alvaro Martinez Bueno is a creepy SF/Horror genre bender (and more than a bit of a hit). A group of people are summoned to an isolated vacation home, only to witness the end of the world beginning outside their safe hideout. The mutual friend who invited them there… well, they have some questions about him. $2.99?!? Yeah, you can get it on the cheap right now.

Rorschach by Tom King and Jorge Fornés is a really odd creature. Set in the Watchman world, after the end of the book, it’s more about the mythology that has sprung up around Rorschach. It’s a mystery about political killings and muses about ideology and identity. It’s something of a unique book. While we were nervous picking up ANY non-Moore/Gibbons Watchmen title, we really enjoyed this one.

Swamp Thing by Ram V and Mike Perkins. This is the current run and we haven’t seen V.2 on sale before. The set up here finds Levi Kamei as the new Swamp Thing/Avatar of the Green. He’s not entirely sure what’s happened to him, but it might involve a corporation and it might involve his family. Interesting setup that has some echoes to The Anatomy Lesson as V. 2 nears its conclusion. Worth at look when it’s a rock bottom $2.99/volume.

Far Sector   Jimmy Olsen   Nice House on the Lake   Rorschach   Swamp Thing

Older Material At Good Prices

A couple ~20 issue/$5.99 volumes that are at a better price than we recall seeing lately:

Kamandi Jack Kirby’s take on Planet of the Apes, although that’s a reductionist description. Many, many years after The Great Disaster, the last boy on Earth navigates a strange wasteland of warring kingdoms of bipedal, talking evolved animals, where most humans are little more than livestock. An incredibly fun adventure book.

The Flash: Savage Velocity – this is the launch of the Wally West Flash era, post-Crisis. It contains the entire Mike Baron/Jackson Guice/Mike Collins run and the beginning of the William Messner-Loebs/Greg LaRocque run. (Yes, run is a pun.) Chunk! Red Trinity/Kapitalist Kouriers! Vandal Savage! Velocity 9!

Kamandi   The Flash

$0.99 Single Issues

This is going to be a little goofy for links, since you’re going to need to scroll down to the more recent issues on any of these pages, but you’ll get a good idea what’s out there. These are all fairly current issues… in the case of Batman,  January ’22 through August ’22.


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Still On Sale

Comixology Sales: DC’s Black Friday Sale and Independent Graphic Novels for $0.99 (Cheap!)

Yes, the spirit of Black Friday is alive and well in the world of Comixology Sales.  DC’s discounts are up and we take a look at a batch of independent publishers offering $0.99 / $1.99 collected editions. It’s a thing!

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commissions)

I See a Friday and I Want It Painted Black

The DC Black Friday Sale runs through Monday, 11/29.
(Amazon link if you prefer that)

Glancing through this sale, which is a smaller set of books than others, we’re seeing a discount range of 69%-75%, which is definitely on the high side for DC. A lot of the usual suspects are on sale, but for some suggestions:

We always through Sinestro Corps War was the peak of the Geoff Johns era of Green Lantern.

Longtime readers know that we appreciate Tom Taylor around these parts. One of the first times he made us raise an eyebrow and say “this shouldn’t work as well it does — how did he do that?!?” was the video game adaption of Injustice: Gods Among UsWe especially like his Green Arrow. Mike S. Miller & Jheremy Raapack provide the art and later Bruno Redondo… yes, the same fellow on Nightwing with Taylor.  Comics work like that sometimes.

And finally, we’re a bit after that holiday, be Batman: The Long Halloween is still our favorite of the Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale collaborations. For those new to the series, it has Batman chasing a serial killer who strikes each month on a holiday, as DA Harvey Dent starts to spiral…

Green Lantern - Sinestro Corps War   Injustice: Gods Among Us   Batman: The Long Halloween

Meanwhile, on the East Coast

We looked at the first round of Marvel’s Black Friday offerings yesterday and between the $3.99 Epic Collections and the $0.99-$1.99 Hawkeye collections, those still might be the deals to beat.

Avengers West Coast

Lowest Prices for Indie Comics ($0.99 Collected Editions)

Yes, comics reader – we know you love the race to the bottom when it comes to sale prices and there are some publishers that are catering to that love for $0.99 digital trade paperback collections.

Hasbro and Friends

The IDW Best of Sale (Amazon version) runs through Monday, 11/29 and features some of the usual suspects (Dungeons & Dragons, GI Joe, Transformers, My Little Pony, Sonic the Hedgehog and Star Wars) at $0.99 for the first Volume and $1.99 for subsequent volumes.

Transformers: Classics

Spies & Monsters

The Best of Oni & Lion Forge Sale follows the same pricing formula and runs through 12/3.  Among the handful of feature titles are some that we hold in very high regard at The Tower of Cheap. (Amazon link)

Queen & Country by Greg Rucka and a new artist every storyline is probably the best American spy comic… even if it’s set in the UK and is an homage of sorts to an old UK TV show called “The Sandbaggers.” Highly Recommended

Kaijumax by Zander Cannon is a tale about a supermax prison for giant monsters. Think Godzilla and his foes. Does this sound cute and campy? It’s actually quite the opposite. It’s gritty with prison gangs, smuggled drugs and assassination attempts… with giant monsters.  A unique comic that’s also Highly Recommended.

We wouldn’t sleep on Stumptown or Letter 44 either.

Queen & Country   Kaijumax 

A Universe

The Best of Valiant Sale runs through Thursday, 12/2 and – that’s right – $0.99 for V.1 and $1.99 for the rest. (Amazon link)

This is also a bit of a starter sale as the early years are highlighted here. Lucky you, these are all solid SF/F adventure comics with superhero trappings.  Harbinger is very similar to X-Men with a teens on the run twist… but much darker. We’d probably call it the center of the Valiant Universe’s beginnings. X-O Manowar‘s elevator pitch is “what if Conan was abducted by aliens, stole Iron Man’s armor and then returned to Earth in modern times?” It’s the flagship book and fun.

Harbinger   X-O Manowar

The Rest of the Rock Bottom Pricing Club

The Dynamite Artbook Sale runs through Thursday, 12/2 and is $0.99/per book. These usually go for $25 or so. (Amazon link)

The Art of The Boys

The Best of Mad Cave Studios sale runs through Monday, 12/29.  We really aren’t familiar with Mad Cave, but $0.99 collected editions is a great way to get our attention. We can’t recommend anything specifically, though.

Honor and Curse

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Comixology Sales: Marvel has Buy One Get One Free and drops another 3 sales, plus Batman, Star Wars Adventures and Red Sonja

Comixology sales this week include Marvel dropping 3 new sales (including some prime Silver Surfer comics), Batman/Catwoman’s still running at DC, Red Sonja takes a digital discount at IDW and Star Wars Adventures visits the bargain zone.

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commission.)

Marvel’s Dropping Lots of Sales and BOGO

Marvel just started a Buy One Get One Free Sale through Monday (12/7) at 11pm ET.  Here’s what you do: go to this Comixology page and grab the Code, enter it in the cart and every other book is free (well, the lower priced of the two is free… but you know the drill).  And yes, that stacks on top of the sale books, so those get very cheap, very fast!

Let’s start the Marvel parade with the Silver Surfer Sale. Strangely, the Stan Lee / John Buscema series you automatically think of is not on sale.  An Epic Collection of the early Fantastic Four appearances is, however.

There’s also a lot to love with the 1987 Silver Surfer series. At that main link, the “Freedom” Epic Collection is built around some specials (including a Stan Lee/John Byrne issue) and the first 14 issues of the Steve Englehart / Marshall Rogers run that we just love. There’s a missing Epic Collection that hasn’t been issued yet that would contain the end of the Englehart run and the beginning of the Starlin run, but the “Thanos Quest” Epic Collection collects the back end of the Jim Starlin/Ron Lim run, plus the Thanos Quest mini-series and the beginning of Ron Marz’s long run.  There are more Marz volumes, we’d start with Englehart/Starlin since that establishes the ongoing arc, but you’ll get a lot of Infinity Gauntlet-related material if you continue with the Epic Collections for this run.

Strangely, Comixology and Marvel have filed the first part of the Starlin/Lim run away from the rest of that Silver Surfer title as “Silver Surfer: Rebirth of Thanos” and added Thanos Quest here, too.  Not exactly a unified publishing program, but good comics and a big part of what they’d call “The Road to Infinity Gauntlet” if this were being published today.

The more recent Silver Surfer are also on sale, as well as some more Stan Lee material, but those are some foundational works well worth your time. The sale runs through Thursday (12/10).

Silver Surfer by Lee/Kirby    Silver Surfer - Englehart   Rebirth of Thanos

Next up, running through Sunday (12/6) is the Spider-Girl Sale.  This series, across a few different titles (Marvel relaunching a comic?  *gasp*) ran from ’98-’10 and it’s about Mayday Parker, Spidey’s daughter from the future. Worth noting, especially for such a long run, almost everything in the sale is by a combination of at least 2 of Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz and Pat Olliffe.  You don’t see creators that consistent on such long runs very often.


Marvel’s “Stormbreakers” Sale  has nothing to do with the Alex Rider novel of the same name and isn’t a political movement (though we’ll admit it kinda sounds like one), it’s just the new name they’re using to promote their new favored artists they way they used to call them “Young Guns.”

We’ve enjoyed Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man by Tom (“you keep mentioning that guy”) Taylor and Stormbreaker Juann Cabal, among other artists and the first volume is $2.99 for 6 issues.

You also really can’t go wrong with House of X/Powers of X by Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz and Stormbreaker R.B. Silva. (And honestly, you shouldn’t need a promotion to know who Silva is.  Silva’s been working at DC and Marvel for over 10 years!)

This sale runs through Thursday (12/17).

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man   House of X / Powers of X

And let’s not forget the Vision & the Scarlet Witch Sale (Wanda/Vision, if you prefer) is still running through Sunday (12/13).

Vision and the Scarlet Witch

The Bat and The Cat

DC’s “Batman Catwoman Sale” is still running through Monday (12/7).  We talked about this one last time, but we’d still like to point out Legends of the Dark Knight: Norm Breyfogle. It’s a little pricier than what we normally point out here (63% off is still $12.99), but it’s 522 pages of the Alan Grant / John Wagner / Norm Breyfogle Batman run that’s definitely an era unto itself.

Batman by Breyfogle

The She-Devil with a Sword

Also running through Monday (12/7) is the Red Sonja Sale. If you’d like some sword with your sorcery, we’d recommend going back to the very beginning of Dynamite’s run with the first omnibus. Mel Rubi is the lead artist. You start out Mike (M.R.) Carey writing, followed by Michael Avon Oeming and it’s a fun comic. If memory serves, that Omnibus ends with the return of Kulan Gath, who you might remember from some non-Robert E. Howard Marvel comics.

Red Sonja

The Force Happens

The IDW Star Wars Adventures Sale features the all-ages version of Star Wars and runs through Monday (12/14).  A place to start?  Vol. 1… or maybe take a trip to the Dark Side with Vader’s Castle?

Tales from Vader's Castle

Still On Sale