This week in Comixology sales, Marvel has CRAZY deals on Star Wars for May the Fourth Be With You. Up to 96% off kind of crazy. Plus Avengers vs. X-Men, She-Hulk, Image selections from Greg Rucka and Dark Horse selections from Mike Mignola & Christopher Golden.

(Disclosure: If you buy something we link to on our site, we may earn commission.)

May the Fourth Be With You

The Star Wars Day Sale runs through Thursday, 5/6.

Go to that page and look it up and down. You’ve got the “Legends” material, most of which originated at Dark Horse. You’ve got the current Marvel era. You’ve got the IDW “Adventures” line.  We’ve gone on at length about how much we like Gillen and Soule on Darth Vader, but this is Comics.Cheap and when it comes to cheap, that “Legends” section at the top of the page is in some rarified air.  Volume 1’s for $0.99 and subsequent volumes for $1.99.  Including omnibuses editions. It’s enough to make Uncle Scrooge cry!

Some highlights:

  • The original Marvel Star Wars series is available as a series of omnibus editions. With this link you’ll also find the excellent newspaper strip by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson listed as Classic Star Wars.
  • For a real oddity, try the “Wild Space” Omnibus which collects the Star Wars strips Marvel made for the UK comics from some of the usual Marvel suspects… and Alan Moore, too.
  • Remember Dark Empire? Tom Veitch, Jim Baikie and Cam Kennedy did a series of mini-series in the mid-90s that were key to reinvigorating Star Wars.  Star Wars Dark Empire Trilogy has the whole set for 99 pennies – good AND cheap.
  • Star Wars: Legacy by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema takes place 125 years after return of the Jedi and follows the adventures of Cade Skywalker, a descendant of Luke who might have more in common with Han.
  • Agent of Empire by John Ostrander, Stéphane Créty, Stéphane Roux and Davidé Fabbri has an elevator pitch of “What if James Bond worked for The Empire?”

Star Wars Omnibus   Star Wars Wild Space   Star Wars Dark Empire Trilogy   Star Wars: Legacy   Agent of Empire


The Marvel Avengers Vs. X-Men Sale runs through Sunday, 5/2.

Avengers Vs. X-Men Collection collects the core mini-series written by Brian Bendis, Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction and Jonathan Hickman with art by Frank Cho, John Romita, Jr., Olivier Coipel and Adam Kubert.

Expand to the tie-in series at will, there are a ton of them, but be aware there are a lot of cooks in the kitchen here.

Avengers vs. X-Men

Gama Sale

The Marvel She-Hulk Sale runs through Sunday, 5/2.

You can get the Masterworks of the original run, but there are three series that are more likely to come to mind here.

Sensational She-Hulk is the late 80s series by John Byrne.

The Dan Slott / Juan Bobilla era runs across two volumes. (Ah, yes – the Marvel relaunch era)

She-Hulk by Soule and Pulido: The Complete Collection is a one-volume collection of the well-received Charles Soule / Javier Pulido run.

Sensational She-Hulk   She-Hulk   She-Hulk by Soule


The Image Greg Rucka Sales runs through Thursday, 5/6.

The Old Guard by Rucka and Leandro Fernandez is a tale of immortal soldiers of fortune that’s gotten a bit of notoriety after being adapted on Netflix.

Lazarus by Rucka and Michael Lark is dystopian tale of a future where corporate families have carved up the world into feudal fiefdoms and a genetically engineered guardian of the system who’s coming to understand a few things she wasn’t intended to. This is Rucka’s signature series at Image. Here, the “regular” collected editions are less expensive than the omnibus editions.

Black Magick by Rucka and Nicola Scott tells the tale of a police detective who’s also a witch and what’s come looking for her. Once again, pick up the normal collected editions, not the more expensive omnibus.

Old Guard   Lazarus   Black Magick

The Horror, The Horror…

The Dark Horse Mike Mignola & Christopher Golden Sale runs through Monday, 5/3.

Fun fact, the two highlighted series were originally written as novels by the Mignola/Golden partnership and then expanded into comic series.

Baltimore, the post-WWI vampire hunting saga with art by Ben Steinbeck and Peter Bergting, is probably Mignola’s and Golden’s best known and longest comics collaboration. The Omnibus editions are a value buy.

Joe Golem: Occult Detective is just what it sounds like and features art by Patric Reynolds and Peter Bergting.

Baltimore Omnibus 1   Joe Golem

Still on Sale